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Your Post-Wedding Tasks

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Your Post-Wedding Tasks

Your wedding coming to an end does not mean that your wedding tasks are over yet.
Some brides forget all about these details once the wedding is over, but a well-organized bride knows what to do:

Picking Your Photos: Now that you have over 2000 pictures to choose from, this can get a bit overwhelming, but by writing the number of the pictures you want on paper will help you out a lot.

Your Wedding Dress: The first thing to do with your wedding dress is to send it to be dry cleaned, then you can either preserve it (Read: "Preserving Your Wedding Dress"), donate it, sell it or return it back if it was rented.

Check Up on Your Venue and Planner: Call your venue and wedding planner to make sure everything went smoothly and there was no damage to any equipment, furniture, etc.

Thank You Notes: Thank you notes for wedding gifts received should be sent within 1 month after the wedding. Yes you can email your ‘thank you’ notes, but it is more proper to send the notes on paper.

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