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Seas The Day: A Spectacular Wedding at The Dead Sea

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Seas The Day: A Spectacular Wedding at The Dead Sea

In October 2023, beneath the azure skies and against the breathtaking backdrop of the Dead Sea, Thoghan Hindawi and Ayesha Afifi exchanged vows in a celebration of love that will forever be etched in their hearts.

The stage was set at the magnificent Kempinski Hotel Ishtar Dead Sea, where the marriage of land and water, history and love, created an enchanting ambiance that left all in attendance utterly captivated. Aptly titled "Seas the Day," this wedding was a symphony of elegance, grace, and an abundance of white flowers.

The Kempinski Ishtar, perched on the shores of the legendary Dead Sea, offered a surreal setting for this grand affair.

Perhaps the most captivating aspect of the decor was the staggering array of white flowers. From delicate roses to voluminous peonies, the venue was transformed into a blooming paradise. The tables were adorned with cascading floral centerpieces, and the entrance was lined with petals, creating a path to forever that was nothing short of enchanting.

As nightfall draped the landscape, the celebration moved into the open-air reception area. A canopy of stars overhead, and the gentle lapping of the Dead Sea against the shore, provided a magical backdrop for the evening's festivities. Laughter, music, and the rhythmic steps of the newlyweds and their guests filled the air, creating a memory that would be cherished for years to come.

Venue: Kempinski Hotel Ishtar Dead Sea

Wedding Planning and Design: Lina Dakkak

Seas The Day: A Spectacular Wedding at The Dead SeaSeas The Day: A Spectacular Wedding at The Dead SeaSeas The Day: A Spectacular Wedding at The Dead SeaSeas The Day: A Spectacular Wedding at The Dead SeaSeas The Day: A Spectacular Wedding at The Dead SeaSeas The Day: A Spectacular Wedding at The Dead SeaSeas The Day: A Spectacular Wedding at The Dead SeaSeas The Day: A Spectacular Wedding at The Dead SeaSeas The Day: A Spectacular Wedding at The Dead SeaSeas The Day: A Spectacular Wedding at The Dead SeaSeas The Day: A Spectacular Wedding at The Dead SeaSeas The Day: A Spectacular Wedding at The Dead SeaSeas The Day: A Spectacular Wedding at The Dead SeaSeas The Day: A Spectacular Wedding at The Dead SeaSeas The Day: A Spectacular Wedding at The Dead SeaSeas The Day: A Spectacular Wedding at The Dead SeaSeas The Day: A Spectacular Wedding at The Dead SeaSeas The Day: A Spectacular Wedding at The Dead SeaSeas The Day: A Spectacular Wedding at The Dead SeaSeas The Day: A Spectacular Wedding at The Dead SeaSeas The Day: A Spectacular Wedding at The Dead SeaSeas The Day: A Spectacular Wedding at The Dead SeaSeas The Day: A Spectacular Wedding at The Dead SeaSeas The Day: A Spectacular Wedding at The Dead SeaSeas The Day: A Spectacular Wedding at The Dead SeaSeas The Day: A Spectacular Wedding at The Dead SeaSeas The Day: A Spectacular Wedding at The Dead SeaSeas The Day: A Spectacular Wedding at The Dead SeaSeas The Day: A Spectacular Wedding at The Dead SeaSeas The Day: A Spectacular Wedding at The Dead SeaSeas The Day: A Spectacular Wedding at The Dead SeaSeas The Day: A Spectacular Wedding at The Dead Sea

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