Marianne and Marc's Wedding In Italy's Amalfi Coast

Marianne and Marc, a couple from Beirut, decided on an Italian destination wedding in the picturesque Amalfi Coast and selected Italian Event Planners to plan their destination wedding, which was held in September 2016.
The wedding took place in an historical and charming venue, the Hotel NH Antico Convento di Amalfi, an ancient monastery of XIII century perched above the mountains, offering a panoramic view of the entire Amalfi Coast.
The couple decided to have a religious blessing by their Spiritual Father in the Church of Monastery that overlooks the impressive Cloister. The reception was then held in another space of the monastery under the lush trellis of the amazing Walk of Monks.
The party hosted not only a guest star, a famous Lebanese DJ, but also included many surprises for the guests and the couple. A projection of a video made for the bride and groom by their friends was spread all over the world to wish them all the best.
This was followed by a monumental wedding cake and fireworks. The special feature of this wedding was the stunning pictures that were taken. One of them portrays Marianne in her amazing bridal gown walking on the white rooftop of Santa Rosa Monastery which was the hotel where she stayed. This picture earned the wedding planners the "Best Picture Award" of Belief Awards, an online contest created to celebrate wedding planners around the globe.
For more Italian wedding theme ideas, click here!