What to Wear on Your Katb Ktab

In the Arab world, KatbKtab is the official marriage ceremony. It is when a Muslim couple signs a marriage contract in front of the sheikh in the presence of two witnesses.
This ceremony takes place before the wedding and is often combined with the engagement.
At the Katb Ktabthe bride-to-be usually wears a long conservative dress. Therefore, most brides prefer wearing a traditional abaya that could either be modern or traditional.
You will also need a shawl to cover your head if you do not wear hijab. If you do, then you already have your hair covered. If not, consider having a sheer shawl to put loosely above your head when you sign the marriage contract in the presence of the sheikh.
Here are a few dresses and abayas we like that are mostly designed by Arab fashion designers:
This red dress is conservative yet very modern, by Effa.
A very feminine dress by Hatem Akeel.
This yellow abaya is so fresh, by Hessa Alfalasi.
We love this Koba Kochae dress, it's very Arabesque.
This simple dress will look great on every body type, By Razan Alazzouni.
Beautiful abayas and dresses by Wafa Saifi.
An emerald green abaya, by Sara Alemari.