Your Wedding Inspired by Nancy Ajram

Have you ever gotten inspired by a star or a celebrity? How about extending this inspiration towards getting ideas for your wedding as well? This time we are choosing the cute Lebanese singer Nancy Ajram as your wedding inspiration.
Nancy is known for her fun and dreamy music videos, as well as her child-like spirit.
We are inspired be Nancy’s video clips such as “Mashy Haddy,” “Sheikh Ilshabab” and her children’s music videos as well.
Think “doll house” with pretty colors and cute decorations. Have lots of candy and sweets. Add a cute and colorful background to your wedding pictures.
Here is how you can get inspired by Nancy Ajram for your wedding:
Nancy is known for her simple makeup and hair.
Some decoration ideas:
Have a doll house background for your photo booth.
You can even arrange to have a fun photo shoot before the wedding.
Now this is a fun centerpiece.
We love these bride and groom cake toppers
This cake is adorable.
The cute wedding invitations:
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